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The Sleeping Serpent: Page 11

  He put his arm around her shoulders. “Are you cold?”

  She nodded.

  Rubbing her shoulders, he professed, “Luna, I don’t see age. It means nothing. I am, in fact, older than you…We’re all timeless. Age is something we made up.”

  She chewed on her lip. “Did I make you uncomfortable telling you that?”

  “Not at all, Luna. I feel the same way. But you are still married.”

  Suddenly, she was the one feeling uncomfortable. “Are we OK?”

  “Yes, of course we are.”

  By then the rain had stopped, and they headed back to the studio.

  Luna eagerly pored over social media, sharing posts on Pinterest and Facebook, adding relevant hashtags like #vintage and #streetstyle. The style Luna had created for Going My Way had become a fashion trend, maybe even a brand. She couldn’t wait to tell Nico. Her dreams were unfolding, and she owed this success to him. After all, it was his ceremonies that removed all the obstacles from her path.

  On the way to her office, she decided to stop at Coyote Exchange, a favored source of vintage for the industry’s costume designers. Every time Luna went into the shop, the owner, Gail, had some new treasure she’d found for Luna, and she was always right on target for the kinds of items Luna looked for.

  As Luna walked in, Gail waved her over. “I just received an estate consignment that has a well-curated Native American jewelry collection. You’re gonna love this.” Gail disappeared into the back room to retrieve a box.

  From the box, Luna picked up a heavy, wide, silver cuff stamped with a Navajo design, and a large Zuni inlay ring of a thunderbird. Luna loved old pawn jewelry, mostly Navajo and Zuni pieces from the early part of the twentieth century. Then she spotted a pale stone bear nestled inside. It was a Zuni fetish the size of the palm of her hand. Less traditional and a bit larger than the small fetishes common in trading post shops, this bear was gracefully carved. Luna had become enamored of Zuni fetishes, believed to contain a living power that can help its owner, during her travels to Santa Fe, and she collected them. The bear is considered the healer. Surely this was no coincidence, her stopping that day and finding that bear fetish, the perfect gift for Nico. She told Gail she would take all three items—the bracelet, the ring, and the bear fetish. Putting on the jewelry, she asked Gail to gift wrap the bear, then headed to the office.

  Stepping into the production meeting, she spotted Sofia Lombardi. Though she was sure of the answer, she asked, “What do you think of Nico?”

  Sofia blushed. “He’s awesome, Luna! Thank you so much. I’m feeling much better already. I just love our sessions.”

  Before Luna could reply, the showrunner began the meeting, and she took her seat at the table. When the meeting wrapped, Luna hung back, falling into step with Sofia.

  She admired Sofia’s outfit of skinny black jeans and a Helmut Lang top. Having a keen sense of people, Luna learned a lot about them from their style. To her trained eye, it was obvious Sofia had come to L.A. from New York City. She wore a lot of black and had a chic simplicity. Though petite, and with legs on the thick side, Sofia excelled at camouflaging her less than perfect points. She always wore high heels to elongate her legs and add height. Today she wore buckled high-heeled ankle boots. “Where did you get those delicious boots?” Luna asked.

  “Thanks! They’re Michael Kors. I actually got them on sale.” Sofia was a staff writer, and Luna surmised she got financial help from her family, but admired Sofia’s good east coast manner of not flashing money or privilege.

  Luna continued, “So tell me how it’s going with Nico.”

  “I don’t think you know, but the doctors said I had irritable bowel syndrome and always prescribed pain meds. Nico gave me something he’d concocted from the health food store, and in less than a week, the pain was gone!”

  The women had reached the front desk area when Sofia asked, “Hey, are you hungry? Do you want to grab some lunch?”

  Luna grinned. “Sounds great. I’m starving!”

  They both ordered iced tea, then took a minute to look at the menu. Luna made up her mind before Sofia, and she looked the younger woman over while she waited. Having a keen sense of people, Luna learned a lot about them from their style. Sofia wore her voluminous blonde hair loose, and while giving her order, used her hands to sweep her hair back and push it to one side, creating a golden waterfall around her face. Her eyes were a bright, clear azure-blue. Her only makeup was a red lip stain on her very plump lips.

  After they ordered, Sofia opened the conversation. “I really love the looks you’ve created; even the jewelry and handbags speak volumes!”

  Though ingratiating herself, her remark felt well-intentioned, and Luna returned the compliment. “Thank you! Your writing is central to the show. The dialogue is hilarious and poignant all at once.”

  Sofia blushed a little. “I have to tell you, when I first came on the show, I was so nervous. I just sat at the table listening. But they all wanted my feedback, saying it’s because I’m fashionable and from New York. I was so flattered! But since working with Nico, my writing has gotten even better, and I’m being given so much more freedom with the scripts.”

  Luna nodded. “I’m not surprised to hear that! Nico helped my creativity flow more easily, too.”

  Sofia laughed, “You know, whatever those strange ceremonies and potions are that he uses, they sure do work!”

  She told Luna about an article she was writing about Nico to send to one of her best friends in New York, a publicist. “I think she can get him some national coverage.”

  “That’s fantastic, Nico must be thrilled!”

  “Yes, he’s pretty pleased at the idea of some good publicity to give the business a boost.”

  The women chatted amiably over lunch, and after the waiter had picked up the bill, Luna took on a slightly conspiratorial tone. “Do you know who Erin Whelan is?”

  Sofia’s curiosity piqued. “Yes, of course. Why?”

  Luna gossiped, “Well, Erin is a former classmate of Tyler’s, and she’s signing up for a private program with Nico.”

  Sofia rolled her eyes. “I guess that’s good. But it’s also a little scary. I’ve heard she’s a dragon lady!”

  They laughed together, forming a bond, then exchanged air kisses and wished each other a good weekend.

  Luna stopped at Amaru to give Nico the bear fetish, and noticed a black Jaguar in the parking lot she hadn’t seen there before. Just inside the door, she heard laughter coming from the chamber and called out.

  Nico answered, “Luna, come in! We’re in here.”

  Walking into the chamber, she explained, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you had a client. I should have called first, but I was just driving past.”

  Nico made introductions. “Luna, do you know Erin Whelan?”

  Although Luna had always been an exotic beauty, she felt drab next to Erin. Her jet-black, trendy, chopped hairstyle and Irish porcelain-white skin accentuated grey eyes. Luna guessed trips to the dermatologist were the reason there was not a wrinkle on her face.

  When Erin complimented Luna’s heavy antique Navajo cuff, she thanked her decorously, then admired Erin’s monastic, long, loose, black dress over cigarette pants.

  “Céline,” Erin stated, matter-of-factly. “I just don’t have time to shop, so I have a personal stylist at Maxfield pull together my wardrobe each season. Did you ever work there, Luna? I hear most of the wardrobe girls have worked there at one time or another.”

  Luna bit her tongue. “No, I began as an assistant costume designer, but it must be a lot of fun to work there.”

  Seeing she had just been bested, Erin gave Nico a sultry smile, kisses on both checks, and made a sweeping exit, saying she would see him on Saturday at the Foundation Dinner. Luna’s heart did a flip flop. Wow, she sure doesn’t waste any time, she thought. Clearly, no one was off the table for Erin, even a twenty-nine-year-old yoga instructor!

  At the door, Erin did a quic
k over the shoulder good-bye to Luna.

  Remembering Erin was a bit older than Tyler, she replied, “Bye, Erin. Oh, wait, I almost forgot. Happy birthday soon. This is the big one, right?”

  Erin pushed the door open and hastily marched out.

  Hiding her satisfied grin from Nico, Luna was pleased with her good verbal volley and casual jabs. When she finally looked up, he was staring at her with a playfully mischievous look.


  “You surprise me, bella. I didn’t think you could do that.”

  Luna answered coquettishly, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Nico.”

  “You really don’t like her, do you?”

  “I just don’t get why some people need to be arrogant and brash to prove they’re good at their job.” Nico laughed. “It’s the image she wants. It’s all an act. She is one tough bitch, though. She doesn’t take any bullshit from anyone.”

  Luna sneered, “So I’ve heard. Everyone says that.”

  Nico’s lip turned up and his eyes twinkled. “She likes me.”

  Luna glared. “Yeah…I bet she does. What’s this about going to the Foundation Dinner with her?”

  He chuckled. “Are you jealous?”

  Luna responded too quickly, “No, why would I be jealous?”

  “There’s no reason to be jealous. You’re always number one in my life. Now, come into the office. There’s something I need you to help me with, and time is running out.”

  Placing two chairs side by side at his desk, he pulled up Craig’s List. “I’ve been searching for a motorcycle, and I want you to help me decide.”

  Luna didn’t really know much about bikes, but thought they were sexy. She pictured Nico with his tight jeans, leather jacket, and muscular arms on one, and felt that flutter dancing inside her. Scanning the list, she said, “Look at that gunmetal grey Ducati. It looks brand new.”

  “Yeah, it’s really hot!” Opening the listing to read further, Nico pointed, “It’s never been ridden. And the price! They’re practically giving it away. Luna, call them.”

  “Why me?”

  “A woman’s voice makes a difference. They might go easier on you.”

  Sighing, she picked up her phone and dialed the number. A woman answered and said her husband had bought the bike, but she refused to let him ride it; she’d posted the ad because she wanted it gone and had priced it to sell fast. All excited, Nico exclaimed, “Tell her we’re coming to get it right now!”

  Following Nico into the apartment, Luna saw he had camouflaged a safe with a tapestry. Punching in the combination, he opened it and counted out $5,000. Luna wondered how and why Nico had so much money stashed away, but thought it would be awkward to ask.

  They got to the address on Coldwater Canyon in less than half an hour, and the woman was so happy to be rid of the motorcycle, she threw in the helmet as a thank you for getting it out of her garage! Back at the studio, Nico acted like a kid who had just robbed a candy store. He said he would buy another helmet so Luna could ride with him. She stirred at the thought of wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her body against his.

  Sensing her thoughts, Nico looked at her squarely, then let his eyes slide down to her cleavage. Seductively, he licked his lips and gazed up through that dark forelock always slightly hiding his luminous green eyes. He uttered flirtatiously, “Luna, you’re teasing me again, showing me your tits.”

  She was addled by his words, but his voice caused a throbbing between her legs. Her pussy ached for him, but not daring to reveal it, she bantered, “I’m not teasing you, Nico. You’re teasing me! Besides, I have nothing you desire. You have lovely Olivia. What’s going on with her?”

  His face and mood darkened. “She’s a little slut. I showed up unexpectedly and caught her eating lunch and laughing with one of the waiters. We had a huge fight, and I told her she has to sit and eat alone or with a girl, but not with a man. Do you think I’m too possessive?”

  Luna burst out laughing. “Do ya’ think?”

  He stuttered a bit, but got control of himself and went on in a low, guttural voice. “Olivia is always wet for me—she’s insatiable. The other night we went by one of my uncle’s bars to do a wine delivery for my father. I pulled her into the back of the van and told her not to make a sound, so no one would hear us. I lifted up her skirt and pulled her tights down just below her knees so she couldn’t move. Then I fucked her standing from behind, grabbing her tits with one hand. She came so hard that when I pulled out she fell on the floor.”

  Luna was speechless, and even with her dark olive skin she was certain her flush was obvious.

  His eyes danced with the knowledge he’d aroused her. “Ah, Luna, my bella. You and I would have such a good time together. It’s a pity you’re married.”

  In an attempt to diffuse the growing sexual tension in the air, Luna leaned over and bit him hard on his bicep. He let out a yelp and pulled her by the hair just hard enough to cause a frenzy of palpable pulsation in her pussy, upon which she kissed his neck next to the black leather cord of the Om pendant. “You’d better stop all that, Nico, or trouble will start.”

  Stepping away, she changed the subject. “I have a gift for you.” Reaching into her bag, she took out the little box Gail had wrapped.

  “Should I open it now?” he asked.

  Luna smiled at how adorable and childlike he was whenever she gave him something. The way he held the little box reminded her of when he had held the small bird. “Of course, Nico. I’ll explain it to you.”

  She tried not to fidget while he took his time opening the gift painfully slowly. Wondering if he was that attentive during sex, her pussy began to throb again with desire.

  Lifting the lid, he looked up perplexed when he saw the pale green stone bear. “Is this an American Indian thing?”

  Luna laughed softly. “Yes. It’s called a fetish. American Indians believe animals are imbued with spirit and each animal has a different power…like the crystals in the ceremony. The bear is a powerful healing fetish known for his curative powers, passing on the teachings to the medicine man in the tribe. You are a medicine man, so I thought you should have a bear fetish. The bear is your totem animal, Nico.”

  Holding the bear in his hands, he closed his eyes as he spoke tenderly, “This is so beautiful.” He walked to a shelf. “I will keep the bear here in the chamber where I do ceremonies. This is where he belongs.”

  Profoundly moved that Nico cherished the bear, she hugged him, then said she had to go because Tyler was waiting for her at home. Nico gently caught her arm to stop her from turning away, adding “Luna, you’re a gift from my mother. You helped me through the hardest days of my life, and you’ll always be the most important person to me.”

  He walked her to her car and waited for her to open the Land Rover’s door. As she climbed in, she looked into his eyes and saw a heartrending hint of sadness in them, creating a tingling sensation running down her arms and into her fingers. She had stopped being alarmed at these sensations because they happened so frequently. Turning on Florence and the Machine, Luna headed home singing “Never Let Me Go.”

  It had been almost two weeks since Kathy had surprised Olivia with the news she’d been awarded the San Francisco Opera’s Adler Fellowship. Only a few applicants were accepted, and Olivia knew Kathy had used her connections. It was the opportunity of a lifetime—one she couldn’t pass up.

  Fearing his reaction, Olivia had procrastinated about telling Nico. But she hoped that after his initial disappointment, he’d be happy for her, seeing how good it was for her career and knowing they would see each other on weekends. She only had a few days before she had to commit to the program, and she’d been working up the courage to tell him by rehearsing her speech over and over again in the mirror.

  After going to dinner, Nico was driving her car back to the studio when she began her soliloquy. “Nico, I have some good news.”

  Only partly hearing her, Nico answered, “Huh,
what’s that?”

  She hesitated, gathering her thoughts. “Well, you know how you always say that I am an opera singer?”

  Nico sensed something unpleasant was coming. “Yeah, and?”

  “Well, I’ve been accepted into a very special program. A fellowship, actually.”

  Glancing over at her, he gripped the wheel tightly. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Kathy surprised me by sending the demo we made from my performances at La Forza to the board of directors at the San Francisco Opera, and they accepted me. The fellowship is a kind of scholarship and a huge honor.”

  Nico scowled, but didn’t answer. He sped up, taking the curves on Mulholland a bit too fast, frightening her. “Please, Nico, slow down and just tell me what you’re thinking,” she pleaded.

  “What the fuck do you think I’m thinking?” he sneered at her, taking another corner too quickly, this time causing the Mini’s tires to squeal. “What about the money for my center? You never asked her for that, did you?”

  Olivia grabbed the armrest, leaving nail marks in the leather. She gasped in fear, and suddenly Nico slammed on the brakes and yanked the car into a turnout. Jumping out, he pounded his fist on the hood. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing and froze in place, horrified, when Nico picked up a big rock, hurling it full force off the side of the road. She trembled as he paced back and forth cursing in Spanish, his hands pulling at his hair, raging for another few minutes before climbing back into the car.

  Olivia yelped when he pulled out without looking and accelerated, speeding faster down Laurel Terrace toward Ventura. He pulled up in front of Amaru Yoga and stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Leaving the car running, she ran after him pleading, “Nico, please! I’ll ask her, I promise! I don’t want to lose you! I won’t go if you don’t want me to!”

  He turned around to face her, his eyes black pools vacant of emotion—no anger, no sadness.

  Tears streaming down her face, she continued begging. “Please, Nico. I don’t want to leave, but it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity! What would I tell my mother? And Kathy? She pulled a lot of strings to get me in.”